The Tacoma-Pierce County Affordable Housing Consortium (TPCAHC) is a membership-based organization made up of an impressive network of incredibly committed affordable housing advocates across Pierce County. Our organization and dedicated members believe that together, through our sustained advocacy, all residents of Pierce County will have access to decent, safe, and affordable housing. For 2019 we ask our legislators to consider advancing the following priorities:
Funding for the Creation of Affordable Homes
Invest $200 million into Washington’s Housing Trust Fund
Everyone deserves to live in a safe, healthy, affordable home. An investment in the state’s Housing Trust Fund can ensure that individuals and families of incomes have access to affordable housing.
Allow local governments to retain a portion of the state’s sales tax for affordable housing
Collaboration across the public sector is required to preserve and expand affordable housing. If Pierce County were able to retain 3 percent of the state’s sales tax it would bring in an additional $4 million for the production and preservation of affordable housing.
Reform the Real Estate Excise Tax and dedicate revenue to affordable housing Reforming the Real Estate Excise Tax to decrease the rate on lower valued properties and increase it on higher valued properties would make the tax progressive and raise additional revenue. This revenue should be invested in the Housing Trust Fund as a dedicated fund.
Housing & Shelter Support for Homeless Youth, Young Adults and Families
Service funding for the Arlington Drive Campus for Homeless Youth and Young Adults
Tacoma Housing Authority and its service partners, Community Youth Services and the YMCA of Greater Seattle, are collaborating to build the innovative Arlington Drive Campus for Homeless Youth and Young Adults. That campus needs state service funding.
Invest $4 million in the Anchor Communities Initiative
The Anchor Communities Initiative is a step towards stability for youth and young adults. Four communities across Washington state were selected, including Pierce County. With state funding, a local plan will use data-informed and equity-driven best practices to end youth and young adult homelessness.
Create a state-funded Family Unification Program
A state-funded Family Unification Program will help prevent or shorten foster care placements due to homelessness and will house young adults who otherwise would age out of foster care into homelessness.